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Why did I fail to place the order on Aliexpress?

Here below are the listed reasons for failure orders. Hope it could be helpful to you guys. Anything, just feel free to contact me.

Error Message
The products in your shopping cart is/are not available for order.
Due to system upgrade, some items might not be available for ordering currently. Please select other items instead.
Sorry, this order is failed due to internet connection problems. You can go back to shopping cart.
Sorry, the system cannot process the order at this time. Please try again later.
Due to seller's product setting, there are some limitations on this item and, thus, it might not be available for ordering. Please find similar items instead.

For mobile recharging orders, this error is resulted from potential security reason.
This product is sold out or the seller discontinued selling this product
Due to product setting in system with limitation for user to place order, this item might not be able for ordering currently. Please try to select other similar items for ordering if possible.
Please update your address in order to be able to place an order.
This error might be resulted from incomplete address information
Please check if there is any missing information in your shipping address.
We're sorry. This item is limited to X piece per customer. Please adjust quantity.
Sorry,you have exceeded the number of items for this purchase.
Please check your order history to confirm if you have ordered this product before and thus exceeded quantity limitation.
If so, we suggest you contacting the seller to adjust the limitation or finding similar products from other sellers.
For system security reasons, we need to verify your identify. Please open this
link: https://isc.alibaba.com/kyc to complete the verification or check your
email for instructions.
Prior to completing verification, you will not be able to place any orders.
Your order is rejected due to security issue and detailed info. will be sent to your registered email address.
Please check your email box within 24 hours or open the link:https://isc.alibaba.com/kycto complete the verification.
OOPS! Looks like your account isn’t authorized to view this page.
Sorry, your account does not allow you to purchase international products online.
Scenario1:You are registered as China mainland user who cannot purchase here.
Scenario2:Either the first name or the last name information is missing in your AliExpress profile. Please complete it as soon as possible.
You have been keeping placing too many orders in a short time. To continue shopping, please enter correct code to complete the verification.
A Cup
System error. Please try again
Due to product setting in system with limitation for user to place order, this item might not be able for ordering currently. Please try toselect other similar items for ordering if possible.

There are also a case that will make you payment failed. Sometimes,buyer name was blacklisted by aliexpress.Example Sophi Lu.So just add Sophie NA Lu.This happened because sellers will report and aliexpress will remarked the buyers in blacklist if buyers like to give bad reviews or cheating frequently,  so......let's keep harmony in transition.

Sophie Lu


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